Myers' Psychology for AP®

Myers' Psychology for AP®

Language: English

Pages: 944

ISBN: 1464113076

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Thus begins market-leading author David Myers’ discussion of developmental psychology in Unit 9 of his new Myers’ Psychology for AP® Second Edition. With an undeniable gift for writing, Dr. Myers will lead your students on a guided tour of psychological science and poignant personal stories. Dr. Myers teaches, illuminates, and inspires.

Four years ago, we published this ground-breaking text which is correlated directly to the AP® course. Today, we build on that innovation and proudly introduce the 2nd AP® Edition.  Whether you are new to AP® psychology or have many years under your belt, this uniquely AP® book program can help you achieve more.

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Body) an instant before participants viewed slides of people (Krosnick et al., 1992). The participants consciously perceived either scene as only a flash of light. Yet the people somehow looked nicer if their ((aWU\OZRSbSQbW]\bVS]`gObVS]`g ^`SRWQbW\UV]eO\ReVS\eSRSbSQb bVS^`SaS\QS]TOTOW\babW[cZcaaWU\OZ O[WRPOQYU`]c\RabW[cZObW]\\]WaS /aac[SabVS`SWa\]aW\UZSOPa]ZcbS bV`SaV]ZRO\RbVObRSbSQbW]\RS^S\Ra ^O`bZg]\O^S`a]\¸aSf^S`WS\QSSf^SQ.

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That “the human understanding, from its peculiar nature, easily supposes a greater degree of order and equality in things than it really finds” (Novum Organuum). He also foresaw research findings on our noticing and remembering events that confirm our beliefs: “All superstition is much the same whether it be that of astrology, dreams, omens . . . in all of which the deluded believers observe events which are fulfilled, but neglect and pass over their failure, though it be much more common.” Some.

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